Not much blogging this week as life, decorating and health have got in the way.
Firstly Richard and a little help from his dad decorated the living room. Its gone from a dull, dark and depressing grey with a muddy brown feauture wall to having a nice coat of magnolia and a feature wall with floral wall paper with red flowers and brown and gold vines. The only before picture i have is when we 1st moved in last December.
We have wanted to decorate this room from the moment we saw it, however wedding and honeymoon came 1st so decoarating was paused and not many people invited round as the room was not very inviting. Now the room is brighter and prettier and it just needs a few accents some cushions and flowers just to finish it off.
While my husband has been busy decorating I have been feeling rubbish my M.E has been playing up and going to work has been a struggle so spent the time off work in bed trying to feel better.
This weekend my dad has gone on holiday so we have two very specail dogs keeping us company we have Vodi a chocolate labradoodle and Lenin a beautiful red staffy both have so far been well behaved and have enjoyed running around in our long garden.
I have a couple of things to post in the next week I have been collecting empties and I got some samples in magazines that I want to review so hopfully some more posts this week health permitting.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Friday, 19 July 2013
After being rudely awakened by some idiot cutting the grass at 7am this morning (who in there right mind wants to get out of bed at 7am let alone cut the grass!!!) I thought of a topic for my blog Mornings.
I am not a morning person, my husband is not a morning person I have to admit I am probably worse in the morning Rich can form sentences I cannot. It can take up to an hour for my body to feel human after a nights sleep. I blame my bed it’s the most comfy warm comforting object in our flat lying in it is like being hugged by baloo from the jungle book (wouldn’t that be awesome).
After years of having to get up early for shifts at the hospital you would have thought I had got used to it but no. Although I have changed roles completely and have more reasonable hours to work this does not make it any easier to get up I just don’t like getting out of bed.
An average work morning consists of the alarm going off at 0730 and Rich starting the waking me up process. He presses the snooze button every 7 minuets for the next hour then the fight commences. I walk to the bathroom at around 0830 with my eyes still shut banging into everything and splash cold water on my face (if this isn’t working I splash water on my face till it does). While I am doing the bathroom things of brushing my teeth and washing my face Rich is making breakfast and my lunch for work (he’s such a good husband) he usually gets back into bed at this point while I get on with putting my face on and he then turns into a hyena laughing at my screams because I have poked myself in the eye with my mascara or eyeliner (it happens every morning you would have thought I’d learnt). While this is happening breakfast is consumed and I go from looking night of the living death to a watery eyed more professional looking person. Clothes also happen at some point. I then every morning go through a panic and look for the 3 things I always loose phone, bus pass and wallet. Then run out of the door normally forgetting my lunch.
I wasn’t always this bad honest before I became a teenager I could get up early with a smile and love morning TV however post teenager I am still pretty grumpy.
So I leave you with this thought if humans were meant to get up early why did evolution make the ability leave us at puberty???
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Our relationship story
I wanted to do a different type of Blog today I love reading and watching people talk about how they met and there relationship story so I wanted to write one. This a longer post so if you don't like long posts there will be shorter ones soon.
Richard and I (at the time of writing this) have been together for 4 and a half years. We met on the 18th of May 2008 I no the exact date as it was my 22nd birthday and was out with my family celebrating. Richard was out with a friend drowning his sorrows and apparently saw me in my far too short skirt bouncing around like an idiot. Me very very very drunk noticed him from the corner of my eye. He was tall with long dark hair wearing a long dark leather jacket phhoowwaahh I thought, so being drunk I went to talk to him. This I where my memory fades and when I woke up the next morning I has 2 photos on my phone. 1) of a long haired man and 2) of my cleavage (oopps).
![]() |
excuse the bad quality it was 2008 after all |
I didnt take his number and I couldn't remember the name but remembered he was cute. Richard tells me he kept going back to the pub just in case I turned up but, i didnt't.
In the November of the same year Rich found me on facebook (he inists on it was me finding him) and we became really good friends though he had someone so becoming anything else wasnt going to happen. In the march of the following year Rich split with his GF and on April the 7th we got together.
I think I fell in love with Rich in the August 2009 it was around the time Swine flu was flying around and everyone was suspected to have it no matter how many symptoms they had and this was us. I came down with it first and Rich was close to follow. Two weeks of being quarenteened in Richs house I realised that we were perfect for each other anyone who could see me projectile vomit across a room and didnt run screaming is a keeper (i no to much info). During this time I needed to move out of my shared house and find somewhere to live. Not wanting to share with a bunch of people again i started looking for a 1 bed flat and after a couple of day of looking we agreed it would be a good idea for Rich to move with me. So September the 21st 2009 we moved into a attic flat.
In the November of the same year Rich found me on facebook (he inists on it was me finding him) and we became really good friends though he had someone so becoming anything else wasnt going to happen. In the march of the following year Rich split with his GF and on April the 7th we got together.
I think I fell in love with Rich in the August 2009 it was around the time Swine flu was flying around and everyone was suspected to have it no matter how many symptoms they had and this was us. I came down with it first and Rich was close to follow. Two weeks of being quarenteened in Richs house I realised that we were perfect for each other anyone who could see me projectile vomit across a room and didnt run screaming is a keeper (i no to much info). During this time I needed to move out of my shared house and find somewhere to live. Not wanting to share with a bunch of people again i started looking for a 1 bed flat and after a couple of day of looking we agreed it would be a good idea for Rich to move with me. So September the 21st 2009 we moved into a attic flat.
This flat was perfect for all of a couple of months we soon found out that we hated immershan heated water, damp grew on walls at the speed of light and that I have a phobia of mice. I worked as a health care assistant at the local hospital so when christmas came around i was working it all so while i worked rich went to his mums and we celebrated with curry and a luke warm bath in the evening.
We did eventually move out of the damp flat and straight into a equally damp flat but with less mice and at least a shower with hot water. We only stayed here for the fixed tennacy 6 months and moved into our favorite flat.
Richard was turning 30 this year and we were looking at ways to celebrate it. Rich had never been out of the country so going on holiday was planned. Sitting one evening we decided visiting London and going to Euro Disney would be perfect so it was planned traveling up to London on the train explore London on the tube and travel to Euro Disney for 4 days and 3 nights then returning home. We found train fares cheaper for 1st class than normal class so whipped them up. Disney was so fun it brought the child out in us both and gave Rich the perfect oppitunuity to propose. Though from what he said it wasnt easy proposing as I kept getting distracted by Disney things he eventrully got down on one knee on a mississippi river boat using my gran and grandads eternity ring it was magical.
We got back and started planning our perfect wedding and more importantly started saving. This is when our year of bad luck started Christmas 2011 was going to be our first full Chrstmas together I had Christmas off work and we had saved to make it just right however, on the 18th of december Rich started to become ill and after 4 days of suffering he got addmitted to hospital with a burst appendix he almost died. It was the worst 2 weeks of our lives and we still think about it now. When he came home we celebrated christmas and got on with our lives . However only 2 short months later i came down with Labryinthitus (no idea if thats spelt right) and never really recovered and in the April i collasped and got sent into hospital after numerus tests I got sent home. Months and months of MRI scans and blood tests I got diagnosed with ME. Also during this time our flat got put up for sale and we were told to move so sofa surfed for a few months until out current flat came about.
Life calmed down and I got a new job with alot less hours and restarted planning our wedding which took place on the 15th March 2013.
We went on honeymoon in May and went to Walt disney world for 2 amazing weeks.
I have no idea what life will throw at us next we want to have a family and see what happens!!
Sunday, 14 July 2013
BBQ Saturday
Had an awesome day in the sun yesterday with my family. Started off with me and my sister Gemma playing cards in the sun then my husband joined us for more merriment and sun loving. My dad and step mum came home and did a wonderful BBQ and we spent the rest of the evening talking and listening to reggae music a perfect Saturday evening!! Here are some pics of our day.
Friday, 12 July 2013
Asos experiance
I just wanted to write a quick note about how impressed I am with my Asos order I haven't even recieved it yet and I am singing there praises. I ordered from them yesterday at 1.40pm and they keep sending me updates on where my parcel is in the delivery process. At the moment its currently in Exeter and I have had a text saying it will be here between 1.45pm and 2.45pm just a mere 24hrs after I ordered and because of the current sales I got the next day delivery for free. We will see if the amazement continues when it gets delievered but I am pretty impressed so far.
BTW im not being paid to say this its all my own opinions.
Thats all folks!!
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Mini Primark Haul
I can't go into Primark without picking up more than what I intend to buy. This time I needed some new shoes for work and came out with a few extra bits so thought I would do a short haul.
Firstly they have changed the layout of our Primark so this gave me a good excuse to look around the shop and not head straight down to the shoes (well that’s what I told my husband hehe). We went to the accessories first and after 20 minutes of looking at all the neon necklaces I found the earring section and couldn’t leave without a few pairs. After picking up about 5 packets I settled on the cream collection (the only thing cream was the pretty rose studs). After looking at the different packets of earring for ages I had to pick something up else I would have just looked suspicious.
My favorite's are the bows and roses. |
While also in the accessories section I picked up a makeup bag, just a small one to fit in my handbag and it was so cute I couldn’t leave it there.
sorry for being blurry I can't get used to my camera |
After doing my usual looking through the pyjamas and finding nothing in my size (have Primark stopped doing bigger sizes altogether?) we headed down to the shoes. It was the usual mayhem, shoes chucked everywhere, no place to sit to try on and hundreds of school kids. I must have tried on about 20 pairs of shoes before I settled on these and they were only £5.00, bargain!
And just when my husband thought it was all over and I couldn’t possibly take him anywhere else in the store he got dragged to the home ware department where I found 2 cute looking and sweet smelling candles which look perfect on my new dressing table.
And that's my mini Primark haul. I am getting an Asos delivery tomorrow, I took advantage of their 70% sale so if it all fits there might be another haul blog coming soon!
Thats all folks!!
Monday, 8 July 2013
New dressing table!!!
I have a new dressing table and I have no idea how to organise it!!! After all these years of using shoe boxes and makeup bags I now have a space just for my girly makeup bits. What I have done so far? Well I have put my hair dryer, straightners and curling wand in a drawer and scattered all my stuff on top and started writting this.
Is there a specail way to organise your makeup? Or should I just dump it all in a drawer like all the rest of my stuff? My house is hardly minimalist I like clutter and knick knacks but do I want all my stuff on the top in neat lines. This is hardly a major life decision its just exciting having new things to play with.
Is there a specail way to organise your makeup? Or should I just dump it all in a drawer like all the rest of my stuff? My house is hardly minimalist I like clutter and knick knacks but do I want all my stuff on the top in neat lines. This is hardly a major life decision its just exciting having new things to play with.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
June Anti-favorites
After writing about what I favoured yesterday I thought I would write about what I didnt like this month. These are my own opinions not influenced by anyone.
Firstly soap and glory glad hair day conditioner. This conditions well but my god it smells funky. I am not good at describing smells but its a kinda fruity soap smell (thats the worst smell description ever oopps) and my husband thinks it smells like old ladies bathroom (not that good at describing smells either hehe). I have used it a couple of times and like how it conditions without weighing my hair down, I just cant get over the smell.
In yesterdays blog I said how I loved the Chocomania collection from bodyshop, however there is a product in the collection I didnt like and that is the Sugar body scrub. Firstly it smells too sickly sweet and then when you use it on your skin it feels like you have melted a chocolate Hobnob on yourself and if you get it on anything it stains. As a scrub I feel it's not abrasive enough and has a weird oily texture.
As I also said in the blog yesterday I'm starting to line the top of my eyes and at the beginning of the month brought a couple of eyeliners. I brought this one from seventeen, its called 3-way liquid eyeliner. It has a weird tip with 3 prongs and the idea of it (or what the lady in boots told me) is to dot the lid using the prongs and then join the dots. I can see the logic just I find that putting it into practice is almost impossible, trying to get the dots in a line is hard enough then using it to join them isn't easy either. Maybe its just my shakey eyelids or my own cack-handedness but I couldn't use it.
The next product I really tried to like. Its the simply sensitive eye makeup remover from Boots. It removes your makeup pretty well but it's just so oily it's like cleaning your eyes with olive oil (not that I've tried) and even my toner has troubles getting the oilyness off your eyes. It is a real shame because I really like the collection from Boots.
This spring/summer I have been trying to find a foundation that's light with good coverage so while out in America I bought Rimmel perfect match in the shade classic ivory. I dont like this product for 2 reasons 1) it's a bottle that you pour the foundation out and you can't judge properly how much you need so I waste it everywhere and 2) within about an hour of wearing it's either clung to every bit of dry skin or disappeared showing the redness and split veins I have. This is a shame because I really wanted to like it and tried lots of different ways of applying it.
And lastly a nail varnish. It's a Missguided nail varnish in the shade Missmatched. It's a beautiful bright orange colour and looked really good with my skin tone. The problem I had with it is that it took forever to dry and then only lasted a day without chipping and I wasnt even doing much with my hands for it to chip.
So this is my first attempt at a "Products I didn't like" blog. Of course everyone is different and someone else may have different opinions about these products, but for me I was left disappointed by them and probably won't purchase them again unless they are part of a pack that has products in that I do like (like the Chocomania scrub was).
Thanks for reading!
Monday, 1 July 2013
June Favorites
So its July 1st and I want to share my June favourites. I love these videos on youtube so thought I would share in blog form.
I am going to start with my favourite fragrance I am loving Daisy Sunshine from Marc Jacobs. Its so fruity and refreshing it just makes me think of summer. I wore this on my wedding day so everytime I smell it immediatly cheers me up and the cute packaging will look lovely on my dressing table (when it finally arrives). I got the 50ml version of it and I am using it sparingly (resisting the urge to dowse myself in it everytime I see it) so it will hopfully last along time.
For hair its all about the Lush products.
I recently dyed my hair deep red and the dye made my hair more greasy that it normally is so I needed something to dry it out without fading the red. So after burning the insides of my nose with doing the usual ritual of sniffing everything in sight in Lush I found myself at the shampoo part and came across the Big shampoo and it being a sea salt shampoo thought of my greasy hair dilema and bought it along with the weird smelling Veganese conditioner. The shampoo smells amazing, it reminds me of being at the beach. My hair smelled awesome for ages, it definitely takes the oils out of my hair and the corse sea salt exfoliates my scalp. I only use it once a week as it would take too much moisture out my hair. The only thing I don't like is its texture, its very gooey with chunks of salt in. I have also put veganese in there as although i dont like the smell (reminds me of a flatmate who was a massive hippy and constantly burned incense) its light conditioning does the ends of my hair wonders without weighing down the roots. As you can see I have only used a small amount and I have used it everytime I washed my hair for the last 3 weeks so will last a good while.
For my body I have been using and favouring my body shop chocomania shower cream. This smells like Hershey's chocolate syrup and has the same texture without being sticky. It's thick and luxourious and makes you feel like you are having a real treat. It doesn't contain soap and has cocoa butter in so leaves your skin silky and smooth. I have been pairing it with the Body Butter also in the chocomania collection which has a more sweet chocolate smell without being too sickly and although has a thick texture melts into the skin and dosn't leave you feeling like you have a layer of gunk on your skin.
I have a few makeup favourites this month, the main one being my Naked2 pallette. I bought this the beginning of this month and have fallen in love. From doing smokey eye looks to bright summery golds i have loved it. My favourites being YDK, Snakebite and Halfbaked.
I have also been loving Maybelline's instant age rewind dark circles eraser. I bought this in the US when on holiday and can't find it anywhere in the UK. If i had known that I wouldn't be able to find it at home I would have bought a few to keep as this stuff is magic. I have it in the shade fair clair, which is slightly lighter than my skin tone so works as a highlighter as well, and it really does what it says on the bottle. My stubborn black circles disappear and I look suddenly more awake. I love that it has the sponge on the end and its very blendable.
Sticking to the eye area, I have been trying out using eyeliner on my lids and am getting better. Whats worked the most is Avons super shock gel eyeliner. It's in a pencil form but the product is like a hard gel. It glides on your eyes without really putting much pressure on your lids.
And lastly, lip products. I am liking the maybelline vivids lipstick in the colour Hot Plum and the lip butter from bodyshop. The lipstick is a blue purple and is lovely and bright and even stays on my lips for a long time. You can put it on thick on its own to have a striking lip or apply it lightly with some gloss on top for a more dressed down look. The lip butter is moisturing and keeps my lips feeling soft.
Thats all for my June favourites. Thanks for reading xxx
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