I have done alot of reflecting this month as it was a year ago we had to move from our flat and become homeless for 3 and a half months. Richard and I were going through a tough time to begin with waiting for test results ect. However, through the bad times there were a few people some close to me and some who wouldn't know I even exsisted that inspired me to look on the bright side an see that it wasn't all bad. Here are 3 that come to mind.
My Grandma Anne is my main inspiration she pretty much made me who I am as stubborn and as fustrating she can be she is amazing. I have lived with her twice in my life and last year was one of those times and in her way she brought me up and became one of the people who supported me through the difficult time.
My Husband Richard is my rock without him life wouldn't be worth living he is the most loving, dopey, funny, affectionate and intellegent person I no. The way he copes with his socail problems is so awe inspiring and he never fails to make me smile and inspires me everyday to carry on with a smile.
Lastly is someone I have never met or spoke to but I watch her youTube videos and have done for about a year her name is Jen and she has 3 youtube channels (myhousewifelife, busybeebuzz and organised Jen). The videos that inspire me is her daily Vlogs watching her day to day life last year was a very much needed breath of fresh air although we live in different country's and have completely different lives the way she interacts with her family and husband inspires me to be a better person and teaches me to appriciate my family more. And watching her Vlogs inspired me to start this blog. (I'm hoping i am not coming across as a weird stalker)
I hope one day I inspire someone as much as these people inspire me.
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