
Sunday, 15 May 2016

Birthday party

I am currently in bed suffering with the worst hangover I have had in a long time. My head is pounding, my tummy is churning and I am thirsty. I forgot what a real hangover felt like and I can't cope!! 

Last night however was amazing! My sister and I decorated the house in baby pink balloons and banners. My dad helped prepare the buffet and my amazing little brother and husband made a 6 layer rainbow cake. 

I felt so loved 14 of my closest friends and family all came and celebrated me turning the dreaded 30 (my actual birthday is on Wednesday) there was dancing, singing, rapping and an awful lot of cake. I had sparklers in my cake and we all toasted with apple sours and pink champagne. 

The night ended with a very very loud sing along to a cheesy hits playlist on Spotify. Also by the end of the night my  younger brother and sister were rapping to Macklemore downtown as our guests left the house for there taxis. All while our new neighbors were looking out there windows.

All I have done today is fill my dish washer, hoover confetti and cake from my dining room, eat far too much leftover buffet food (mainly sausage rolls and cheese straws) and watch Once Upon a Time and Doctor Who on Netflix. Please let this only last 1 day!!! 

Rich and I have the whole week together and have planned meals out and day trips to the seaside. Also I think Rich has a few surprises up his sleeve. 

However now I am going to bed to hopefully sleep off this hangover fingers crossed its gone by tomorrow!! 

Thanks for reading 

Just Kelly xx 


  1. The cake look amazing! Belated happy birthday sweetie!!

